"I write so that my handful of pebbles, cast into still waters, will create a ripple."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Five Steps for Organizing the Closet After You Say Goodbye to 4” Heels

Feet Hurt? Is your closet overflowing with clothes you never wear? A plan for what to save and what to dump when you start to dress for comfort

Going through my closet this week I began to realize that I'm a clothes hoarder. Even if I haven’t worn it in 10 years, I feel physically ill at the idea of parting with any of it. Sure, I watch “What Not to Wear”, but the problem is how do I finesse into a (ahem) Woman of a Certain Age.

I asked my Magic Mirror and this is what she whispered to me:

Young women dress to emphasize their assets and their hair. Middle-age women dress to minimize their deficits. Older women dress to match their shoes.

Sound harsh? Think about it.

Somewhere in the fifties the tendons and bones in the foot soften. Certain foot bones are the most frequently broken bones for women after fifty. That’s when podiatrists’ numbers get put on the speed-dial.

Out of necessity, shoes become less fashion statement and more a comfort accessory. It breaks our hearts to abandon this vestige of youth, but it happens.

Unfortunately, I have dresses that don’t “do” comfortable. They want a 4” heel. And nylons and a smoother. Without tough-love, those dresses will hang in the closet pretending they’re next-up for the party. Ten years will go by and still no party. Still, maybe when I’m seventy I’ll want to wear that sleeveless cocktail dress with the slit at the thigh that I didn’t even wear when it was new.

But the sad truth is, I’ve already dumped the heels.  So in order to downsize my closet and keep it real I’ve had to take a reality check. 

Here’s my plan:

Step One: Pick out the shoes I wear. Dispose of any I haven’t worn in three years. (I know, the rule is 12 months, but I’m a hoarder, remember?)

Step Two: Pair skirts, dresses and pants with the shoes they go with. Permission to pile them on the bed, the sofa, the floor. Use bronzer, pantyhose, hairdo, anything to get an accurate assessment, including daughters and husband.

Step Three: Try on everything with the shoes. If it doesn’t work, Get Rid of It. I picked the STYLE of shoe for a reason—comfort, style or because it fits my personality. When it wears out I’ll replace it with next season’s substitute, so if it doesn’t have a companion outfit now, I doubt the old shoe will ever have a love match with anything in my closet.

Step Four: Pack up the off-season clothes and shoes and store them. That way I'll have a new wardrobe in a few months. Vacuum seal sweaters so everything will pack down small. Kmart, $9.95 for three.

Step Five: When I go shopping I’ll wear the shoes I want to match. If something doesn’t, I don’t. It’s as simple as that. 

As a footnote—I won’t keep anything that needs a 10-pound weight loss to look good. I won’t pretend I’m anything I’m not. If I lose weight or change personalities, I’ll buy something new. Clothes are what I wear, not who I am. (Okay, who am I kidding?) But shoes do become what we wear, like it or not.

Am I right about this? Share your comments.  


  1. Thank you for the post, Anne. I am over 55 and wearing flat boots and pants these days and if I were wearing dresses I'd still wear flat boots. They are the cutest thing going. I give away my clothes before all of the life is out of them. Someone out there needs clothes that are stylish and in good shape.

  2. Gonna run get me some. I love the look of boots. And tights instead of pantyhose. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. Sounds like you're on the right track, Anne, to giving shoes another chance and downsizing on the clothes. :)

    I'm all for comfort in my "mature age," too, but I still want clothes/shoes to match. I think, for me, clothes and shoes are like life cycles -- there are times to wear certain shoes/clothes, then they need to be passed on to others in need, then there are times when new clothing and shoes are warranted.

    However, it does take *a lot* of discipline to give away those clothes/shoes that have occupied space in the closet for a long time. But take it from me, once you begin the practice, it gets easier for the next time :)

    Good luck with your *new* venture!

  4. Great ideas, Anne! I've been thinking that the high, spindly heels that women teeter in lately have the same effect as Japanese foot binding. I'm so glad I wear only flats!

  5. I rarely keep clothes that don't fit my present life-style and I insist on comfort. Heels? I haven't desired heels over an inch and a half in years. I have one pair and I haven't worn them in a couple of eons. I totter on heels, always have, even did at 16. Esther's comment on Japanese foot binding reminded me of Lisa See's Snowflower and the Secret Fan. That book details the horror of foot binding which included broken bones and even death. Reading it made me furious and some residue of anger and replusion still lingers as I write this.

  6. I agree with you on the foot binding. (Eunice, your forceful language landed you in my spam folder. Strange how blogger works! We're not supposed to be publically outraged?)

  7. Good blog, Anne. I need to go to my closet and do what you're doing. However, I haven't worn heels for some time because my mother has peripheral neuropathy from the high heels and pointed toe shoes she wore most of her life--into her 70s at least and maybe 80s. She is now 96 and almost crippled because her feet are soooooo bad! Thanks for the spur.


  8. I've traded a "shoe fetish" for a "boot fetish." I figure I can wear boots no matter how old I am.

  9. Deb, tell me you found my blog because I twittered it. I just remembered to do that! I want some more boots!

  10. Enjoyed the blog--a lot rang true. The matching shoes to clothes doesn't work for me. Perhaps that's due to two foot surgeries. I swear the shoes I have to wear are so neutral (or maybe neutered) that they go with anything.

    For me, when I take a journey through my closet, trying on one thing after another until I finally find something billowy enough to hide some of my faults, I end up demoralized. Now I need to work up the courage to discard those items that have already discarded me.

  11. Hi Judy Anon, Mu cousins got the dreaded "curse of the bunions" in my family and I'm so grateful that I was spared. I remember my grandma wearing those sensible lace-up shoes and I vowed, never, never, never. Now young girls wear that style!
